US Patent:
20130344012, Dec 26, 2013
M. Michelle Morie-Bebel - Naperville IL, US
Alexander D. Ilseman - Chicago IL, US
Benjamin Bergmann - Anderson SC, US
Stephen A. DiBiase - River Forest IL, US
S. Alexander Christensen - Northwoods IL, US
International Classification:
C11C 3/00
US Classification:
424 59, 510276, 510515, 512 1, 510135, 510138, 510137, 510130, 510278, 510240, 510245, 510241, 510197, 44388, 424 701, 514450, 514547, 424 65, 424 64, 508491, 507260, 507103, 106316, 106823, 252 3, 252 881, 516108, 25218228, 252396, 252364
A metathesized natural oil composition comprising (i) a mixture olefins and/or esters, or (ii) a metathesized natural oil, is disclosed. The metathesized natural oil composition has a number average molecular weight in the range from about 100 g/mol to about 150,000 g/mol, a weight average molecular weight in the range from about 1,000 g/mol to about 100,000 g/mol, a z-average molecular weight in the range from about 5,000 g/mol to about 1,000,000 g/mol, and a polydispersity index of about 1 to about 20. The metathesized natural oil composition is metathesized at least once.