US Patent:
20180137944, May 17, 2018
- Bellevue WA, US
Anselmo T. Cisneros - Seattle WA, US
Daniel Flowers - Sebastopol CA, US
Charles Gregory Freeman - Kirkland WA, US
Mark A. Havstad - Esparto CA, US
Kevin Kramer - Redmond WA, US
Jeffery F. Latkowski - Mercer Island WA, US
Jon D. McWhirter - Kirkland WA, US
TerraPower, LLC - Bellevue WA
International Classification:
G21C 15/06
G21C 11/06
G21C 3/54
This disclosure describes various configurations and components of a molten fuel fast or thermal nuclear reactor for managing the operating temperature in the reactor core. The disclosure includes various configurations of direct reactor auxiliary cooling system (DRACS) heat exchangers and primary heat exchangers as well as descriptions of improved flow paths for nuclear fuel, primary coolant and DRACS coolant through the reactor components.