Alec W. Smidt - Folsom CA, US
Andrew D. Proescholdt - Rancho Cordova CA, US
Boubekeur Benhamida - El Dorado Hills CA, US
Ravi Annavajjhala - Folsom CA, US
Intel Corporation - Santa Clara CA
International Classification:
US Classification:
36518523, 36518524, 36518511
A high-speed voltage level shifter. A transistor () may be connected to high voltage (VPP) and may act as a source of a limited current to a first node (), and a driver () connected to the first node may provide a level-shifted output signal (VOUT) to a memory control input line of a memory cell (). A plurality of series-connected transistors (A–N) may be connected between a second node (A) and a circuit ground, each transistor may have an input connected to a corresponding control signal (VIN-A to VIN-N) from a control circuit (). A transistor () may be connected between the first node and the second node in a source-follower configuration and may have an input connected to a bias voltage (VBIAS) which may limit the voltage at node A, so transistors A–N may be low-voltage, high speed transistors.