Professional Records
Lawyers & Attorneys
Andres Tomas Orphanopoulos, Foster City CA - Lawyer
View pageAddress:
1105 Bounty Dr, Foster City, CA 94404
(650) 224-1129 (Office)
(650) 224-1129 (Office)
California - Active 2012
Thomas Jefferson School of Law
Degree - J.D.
Graduated - 2011
University of San Diego
Degree - Bachelors
Graduated - 2006
Syracuse University
Graduated - 2005
Saint Ignatius College Prep
Graduated - 2002
Degree - J.D.
Graduated - 2011
University of San Diego
Degree - Bachelors
Graduated - 2006
Syracuse University
Graduated - 2005
Saint Ignatius College Prep
Graduated - 2002
Litigation - 25%
International Law - 25%
Mediation - 25%
Arbitration - 25%
International Law - 25%
Mediation - 25%
Arbitration - 25%