
Andre Burghard Phones & Addresses

  • Vancouver, WA
  • Indio, CA
  • Ridgefield, WA
  • 4205 Mesa St, Torrance, CA 90505
  • Carson, CA
  • El Segundo, CA
  • Phoenix, AZ
  • Redondo Beach, CA


Position: Professional/Technical


Degree: Graduate or professional degree



Us Patents

Planar Light-Emitting Diode

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US Patent:
46943110, Sep 15, 1987
Sep 11, 1986
Appl. No.:
Edward A. Rezek - Redondo Beach CA
Andre Burghard - Torrance CA
TRW Inc. - Redondo Beach CA
International Classification:
H01L 3300
US Classification:
357 17
A light-emitting diode, and corresponding method for its fabrication, in which a blocking layer is used for current confinement, and a rectangular light emission pattern is employed, to avoid an isotropic effects when material systems such as indium phosphide are used. A critical step in the method of the invention is etching an opening through the blocking layer. The opening has its sides precisely oriented at forty-five degrees with respect to the cleavage planes of the substrate, to avoid exposing any crystal planes that are anisotropic.

Semiconductor Laser With Blocking Layer

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US Patent:
46334777, Dec 30, 1986
Jul 20, 1984
Appl. No.:
Charles B. Morrison - Torrance CA
Luis Figueroa - Torrance CA
Andre Burghard - Torrance CA
TRW Inc. - Redondo Beach CA
International Classification:
H01S 319
US Classification:
372 46
A semiconductor laser diode structure operable at high power and brightness levels and having a relatively low threshold current, high efficiency, good mode stability, and reduced temperature sensitivity. The disclosed embodiments have twin parallel channels formed in a p type substrate, and employ an n type blocking layer to confine current to a region between and including the channels. The structure includes first and second inactive cladding layers, and an active layer forming a diode junction. The first or lower inactive layer is thinner in the region between the channels, and this results in a higher forward-bias voltage at the center of the active layer, thereby focusing the current near the central position. This current focusing mechanism, which is enhanced by the optional use of a curved active layer, results in the improved characteristics of the structure. By selecting the effective width of a contact stripe overlying the second or upper inactive layer, single or multiple optical gain filaments may be produced.

Method Of Making A Surface Emitting Light Emitting Diode

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US Patent:
46473203, Mar 3, 1987
May 22, 1985
Appl. No.:
Edward A. Rezek - Redondo Beach CA
Andre Burghard - Torrance CA
Alan L. Carpenter - Santa Monica CA
TRW Inc. - Redondo Beach CA
International Classification:
H01L 21368
US Classification:
A light-emitting diode and corresponding method for its fabrication, in which a blocking layer is used for current confinement, and a rectangular light emission pattern is employed, to avoid anisotropic effects when material systems such as indium phosphide are used. A critical step in the method of the invention is etching an opening through the blocking layer. The opening has its sides precisely oriented at forty-five degrees with respect to the cleavage planes of the substrate, to avoid exposing any crystal planes that are anisotropic.
Andre A Burghard from Vancouver, WA, age ~68 Get Report