Professional Records
Lawyers & Attorneys
Alexander Shefler Barylski, New York NY - Lawyer
View pageAddress:
Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP
One Battery Park Plaza, New York, NY 10004
(212) 837-6844 (Office)
One Battery Park Plaza, New York, NY 10004
(212) 837-6844 (Office)
New York - Due to reregister within 30 days of birthday 2003
Harvard University Law School
Degree - JD - Juris Doctor - Law
Graduated - 2001
Harvard University
Degree - BA - Bachelor of Arts
Graduated - 1996
Degree - JD - Juris Doctor - Law
Graduated - 2001
Harvard University
Degree - BA - Bachelor of Arts
Graduated - 1996
Litigation - 100%