Professional Records
Medicine Doctors

…Robert of Ketton's 1143 translation of the Quran for Peter the Venerable, Lex Mahumet pseudoprophete, was the first into a Western language (Latin).[98]Alexander Ross offered the first English version in 1649, from the French translation of L'Alcoran de Mahomet (1647) by Andre du Ryer. In 17...
…authorised text, with some of the controversial matter removed, appeared in 1643. The expurgation did not end the controversy: in 1645, Alexander Ross attacked Religio Medici in his Medicus Medicatus ('The Doctor, Doctored') and the book was placed upon the List of Prohibited Books in the sa...
Aberdeen , Scotland
Died:1654 • Bramshill , Hampshire, England
17th-century Anglican priest • Vicar
Ross was born in Aberdeen, and entered King's College, Aberdeen, in 1604.
He died in 1654 at Bramshill House in Hampshire,.
" He was vicar of St. Mary's Church, Carisbrooke in the Isle of Wight from 1634 to his death; he left Southampton in 1642.
Alexander Ross
Alexander Ross
Alexander Ross
Alexander Ross
Alexander Ross
Alexander Ross
Alexander Ross
Alexander Ross